Edit contact details in bulk

VideoUpdate contacts in bulk

Contacts - Edit Contacts in Bulk

There are certain fields in Contacts that can be edited in bulk. These fields are: Contact Partner, Contact Manager, and your custom groups.

  1. Click Contacts > All Contacts.
  2. Click Change in Bulk.

  1. Select the field you want to update in the Update list.

  1. Select the value to update the field to in the Change To list.

  1. Use the relevant Contact Filters and Dynamic Field Filters to identify the list of contacts that you want to edit.

  1. Click Next.
  2. A list of contacts that match the criteria is displayed.
  3. By default all the contacts in the list are selected.
  4. Clear the check boxes of any contacts you do not want to edit.
  5. Click Apply Change.

See Also:

Edit contact details